Saturday, January 29, 2011

OMG Welcome back

I am back, omggggg.   It is a new year, new resolutions, and new interactions for everyone to look forward to.  AND, as an added bonus, I have created a new educational interaction segment called:

Whooaaaaaa, I bet you're super stoked.  You should be. So, in addition to Daily Interactions, be sure to check back every Sunday for your weekly Educational Interaction, where I will tell you things I bet you didn't know.  Things about (including, but not limited to) literature, science, the known universe, ants, and more.  Be prepared to have your mind blown.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Human Interactions?

Computers don't care about a recession.

Can I have that computer's job?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Interacting at Work

When starting a new career it is important to stay optimistic and have a positive outlook.

Until, of course, someone shits in the train section.